About the Symposium

The International Symposium on River Sedimentation (ISRS) is a triennial event initiated in 1980 by the Chinese Hydraulic Engineering Society (CHES) with the support of UNESCO. The objective of ISRS is to provide a forum for scientist, engineers, researchers and decision makers to exchange ideas, research results, advanced techniques, and to share their experiences and information on sediment study and management. The International Research and Training Center on Erosion and Sedimentation (IRTCES) in Beijing is the permanent secretariat of ISRS. The WASER (World Association for Sediment and Erosion Research) was inaugurated at the 9th ISRS in 2004, and the ISRS has been served as the official symposia of WASER since then. The first ISRS was held in Beijing (China), after that it moved to various countries across the world including U.S.A., India, Germany, Russia, South Africa (see the history of ISRS).

The theme of 2023 symposium is: Sustainable Sediment Management in a changing Environment

Topics of the 2023 symposium:

The conference will be organized with parallel sessions that include these topics:

  1. Sediment and pollutant transport;
  2. Morphodynamics;
  3. Ecohydraulics;
  4. Sediment related disaster and climate change;
  5. Reservoir sedimentation, interactions between sediment and hydraulic structures;
  6. Sustainable sediment management at the river- coastal basin scale;
  7. Social, economic & political issues related to sediment and water management.