Alain Recking

Alain Recking is a Research Engineer at INRAE, France, and currently carries out his research at the Institute for Geoscience and Environment (IGE) in the Grenoble Alps University. His research focuses on fluvial-hydraulic processes in gravel- and cobble-bed channels, including feedbacks between flow hydraulics, sediment transport and morphodynamics. He approaches these themes by mixing different approaches, including flume experiments, numerical modeling, and field monitoring.


  • Accounting for natural variability in 1D bedload prediction: a field case study

    Any practitioner who has tried to predict bedload transport probably agrees with this final conclusion: it’s a damned task. The first uncertainty comes from the bedload equations themselves, as different equations can lead to several order of magnitude differences when used with the same data. But even in the best situation where a confidence exists […]